Oct 30, 20247 min read
Should Christians participate in Halloween?
It is a good, biblical, and historical impulse to adopt, integrate into, and redeem cultural celebrations and customs. However, we cannot...

Oct 9, 20247 min read
Should pastors talk about politics?
How do we navigate political issues as pastors? We do not want to bind the consciences of our people in ways that are unbiblical ...

Aug 28, 20243 min read
A Looking Glass called Hope
In dark moments of depression, pain, discouragement, and sorrow ... Our hope is made real. This poem is the overflow of an overwhelmed ...

Jul 15, 20245 min read
Jesus is a better minister than you. And that's okay.
Are you trying to be what only Jesus can be? When was the last time you felt like a failure? Every Sunday, I walk down from the pulpit...

May 31, 20244 min read
3 obstacles to going all in with Jesus
Following Jesus will cost you everything What would you lose everything for? Sometimes, life calls us to take a big risk or make a big...

Feb 28, 20244 min read
Small discipleship matters greatly
Where does discipleship happen most effectively? In a world that values the big and flashy, it might be tempting to say that the most...

Jan 17, 20245 min read
How to encourage your discouraged pastor
Yes, your pastor needs to be encouraged I have never met a pastor that needed less encouragement. Granted, I’m sure we all can think of a...